Roger S. Good Cancer Treatment Center Addition & Renovation
Roger S. Good Cancer Treatment Center Addition & Renovation
Sierra View Medical Center
2018, AIA San Joaquin, Award of Honor
The Cancer Treatment Center Addition/Renovation at Sierra View Medical Center (SVMC) in Porterville, California offers state of the art cancer treatment and upholds the Medical Center’s high quality of care. The aging facade of the existing building was stripped away and replaced with a new striking patient entrance and waiting room. The circular shape of the main entrance and reception area was intended to be inviting, and functionally, it split the waiting area and transition to ‘back of house’ check-in desk in an elegant way. Natural light was introduced in an attempt to brighten the moods of patients going through treatment and those of their loved ones. In the two new “treatment vaults” the soft glow of the Sky Factory wall and ceiling panels contribute to the welcoming feel of the space. The calming design of the Linear Accelerator Vaults are meant to provide a distraction to patients receiving treatments. The walls are 6-8 foot thick concrete, which shield staff and patients outside the vault from exposure during treatment. The project included additional exam rooms and a relocation of the main entrance for more convenient connection to the other buildings on the campus. The design goal was to create a relaxing, spa-like atmosphere. The two water features were donated by members of the local patient community and contribute to this healing ambiance. Materials were carefully selected to enhance this goal with woods, natural stone and a warm color palette.