Last Saturday a group of coworkers from Darden Architects, and their friends and families, went out to “Clovis Fest” in Old town Clovis CA, to compete in the 2016 AIA San Joaquin Chapter Sandcastle Building Competition!
The theme for the sandcastle designs this year was “Best of California”
in the weeks leading up to the competition we held meetings to brain-storm ideas and develop our design. The ideas were initially sketched out and presented to the group. Clay models were then used to get an idea of constructability and scale. In the end our sandcastle design was a postcard featuring delicious California wine.
On the day of of the competition nearly a dozen of us worked together to create our masterpiece
We competed against teams from College of the Sequoias, Fresno City College and other local Architectural firms. In the end our planning and hard work paid off, as the Darden sandcastle won the Judges award for the second year in a row!
It was a terrific day together, and we look forward to taking part in next year’s competition. Rumor has it, the AIA San Joaquin will be switching to a “Can-struction” competition, rather than sand, which promises to be equally as enjoyable.
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