In the News: “Chico Jr. High gets much needed upgrades”

Darden Architects’ design project at Chico Jr. High School was featured in the news this week:

After almost a year of construction, Chico Junior High School tonight has newer technology to advance student learning.

The $8.6 million project will allow students to grow and learn in a state of the art science classroom.

The school held a ribbon cutting ceremony to officially open three brand new science labs, three renovated science labs, an engineering alcove, along with renovated drinking fountains, restrooms and a new campus wide fire alarm system.

Eighth grade science teacher Mike Emmons told me that after working in very old buildings. He’s loving the upgrades to the campus and his own classroom.

“We have state of the art technology, we have more space than you can imagine to store things, to work with,” he said. “We have tables that move around and we can rearrange our rooms in such a way that it advances our student learning.”

Read more and check out the video HERE

Article copyright Action News Now Chico, CA

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