PC Kids Youth and Lobby Addition

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PC Kids Youth and Lobby Addition
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PC Kids Youth and Lobby Addition

Peoples Church

The process for developing this multiphase expansion project began with a campus master plan in 2017. Darden Architects partnered with Equip Studio to create a vision for the future growth of Peoples Church. The existing Chapel building was actually moved to east side of the site to expose the front of the sanctuary building and make room for the PC Kids expansion and Lobby addition. Projects completed and or in the works on this growing church campus include exterior painting, landscaping master plan, parking improvements and expansion, and a new monument entry sign.  The 2-story PC Kids program facilities offer technology-rich classrooms and worship gathering spaces for all ages. There is also a striking program entry foyer with check in space and leadership offices. The lobby addition wraps the existing sanctuary building and adds a new modern style and curb appeal to the church.

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