The Turlock Journal: “More space, updated tech in Turlock High’s new Science Building”

Last week the Grand Opening of the New Turlock High School Science Building was featured in the Turlock Journal. Here’s an excerpt from the online publication…

Turlock Unified School District officially unveiled the new Turlock High School Science Building on Thursday with a ribbon-cutting ceremony which embraced the past, celebrated the present and looked forward to the future. 

The $18.4 million project is taxpayer-funded through Bond Measure O, which was approved by Turlock voters in 2016 and provided $48 million for high school campus improvements. While the building’s design plans were first introduced to the TUSD Board of Trustees in late 2018, it was identified by the Bond Oversight Committee as a priority project the year prior. Construction began at the end of 2019.

Former THS science teacher and department chair Eric Julien led the charge to pass Bond Measure O and its elementary counterpart, Bond Measure N, as the funding would provide more Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) space and equipment for the District. A Bulldog graduate himself, Julien both learned and taught in the old building and knew how important the upgrade would be… To read the full article CLICK HERE

Special thanks to reporter Angelina Martin and the Turlock Journal for covering this story. And big thanks to the leadership at Turlock High School and Turlock USD for the opportunity to work on this project.

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