Emergency Helipad

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Emergency Helipad

Kaweah Delta Healthcare District


2014, American Public Works Association (APWA), Central California Chapter Awards, Project of the Year

Completed in 2013, the Kaweah Delta Medical Center in Visalia, California expanded its geographical area of treatment with the addition of a Helipad platform. Additionally, Darden Architects’ design allowed for two levels of shaded medical center parking below the landing platform. The project budget of $2.7 Million was raised largely through a medical center capital campaign, Federal appropriation, and a generous contribution from First Five of Tulare County. With a projected 375 Sky-life helicopter landings in the first year of operation, the Helipad project holds a place of particular pride for Darden Architects’ staff, given the positive affect the facility should have upon residents in need of emergency care transportation throughout the south San Joaquin Valley.

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